Monday, November 1, 2010

ECC Week 16 GERMANY (Europe)

Guten Tag! We have enjoyed our first week in Germany! Somehow I didnt get a picture of our book basket books, but we had several favorites. One being 'The Candy Bomber' by Michael O. Tunnell, which tells the story of how pilot, Gail Halvorsen, became known as the candy bomber during World War II. INCREDIBLE story, I highly recommend it. There is a shorter version as well called 'Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot' which is in our book basket for week 2 in Germany.

Germany John 3:16 coloring page....

The Wee Sing songs this week really got the girls' dander up and we had quite a spastic dance sesh during school time. Even the boy was infected.

Science experiment to show the different densities in salt water vs fresh water. We had 2 cups of fresh water, one had blue food coloring...we had 2 cups of salt water, one had green food coloring...

We put a few drops of the blue fresh water in the clear salt water and noticed that it stayed at the top, due to the fact that it is less dense. Therefore, the salty green water should have sunk to the bottom of the clear fresh water cup, but we didnt notice this happen, it seemed to just disipate. However, we didnt wait longer than a few minutes to see if it would all gather together after sitting for a bit due to the fact that....
they wanted to play some water-glass-and-spoon music =) So I had to do some water adding and taking away to get them the right notes to play a very off key sounding Mary had a Little Lamb. =)

Pretty verse for the week. I have been very pleased how well they have been remembering the memory verses.

We have REALLY enjoyed reading George Muller and have even read more than 1 chapter per day. What amazing faith that man had and what a testament to how God answers prayers!
We also started the tradition of eating M&M cookies while we read which has made us look forward to George Muller time THAT much more =)
Side note: nothing to do with Germany but we tried to make our own stuffed crust dough/pizza last week. I thought it was just 'ok', the dough tasted too 'floury' to me and was a little too DOES Pizza Hut do it???

We also enjoyed some good 'ol fashioned fort building time. Josh and all his Pillow Pet homies are protecting the girls.

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