Monday, February 18, 2013


This little sweetheart turned 9!

She wanted to go on a walk around a local pond...
and hunt for bugs....

We also spent some time at the skating rink. And made 263 new friends.  :)

This little guy got a hair cut...

and helped me in the kitchen....

so did this gal (help me in the kitchen that is)...

Making music amidst a mess..

 Learned about the Mayans in school and made a Mayan Codex...

Making clay pots (like the mayans, though I dont think they had Crayola watercolors back then....)
Mayan foods....


The younger 2 girls and myself liked the quinoa. The others? Not so much....
Big sisters went to the dentist one day so the younger 2 and I had our own fun. Jaidyn and I made some book marks with my stamp sets...
The boy and I made a KILLER track...

He is the master of his railway

Yeah. So THAT happened....

Ran Race for the Cure at the end of October with some awesome buddies (one being the awesome Mrs. Omaha!)

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