Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day and ECC Week 9 BRAZIL (South America)

I don't know about you but we had a fan-TAB-ulous Labor Day. Made even more so by the fact that my brother and sister in law mosied (moseyed?) on down from Sioux Falls, South Dakota to share in the days activities. Actually, without them, there really wouldn't have been any activities, so I guess we have them to thank for all our Labor Day hoopla!

I started the day off with a 3 mile run on a whole new route-I LOVE running thru neighborhoods for the first time! Then it was home to pack the absurd amounts of food for the picnic....then my brother and his wife, and my mom and dad showed up. Pandamonium!

My brother and his wife know that the girls have been wanting kites for 1/2 of forever, so they brought some with them this time and helped them to put them together before we headed out to the lake to picnic. *click any picture to enlarge*
The day could not have BEEN more perfect for kite flying. The wind was CRAZY! At one point Jaidyn was getting a little panicky because the wind was blowing her kite so strong that she thought it would pull her away!

After everyone (above the age of 10) was quite done with the kite flying, we headed down to the lake to search for pebbles and flat stones to try to skip across the water. A feat which was only mastered by my brother, hubby and Ariel as well! She was so excited.

It was a bit warm while the sun was out (maybe a lot warm, this little boys cheeks were like two rosy apples there for a while), so I poured some cold water into his snack tray and he had a hay day splashing around and making a whole mess of himself and the stroller.
ECC Week 9 BRAZIL (South America)
We are starting our study of South America this week-namely Brazil. We had fun learning about Canada the last 2 weeks but I can not WAIT to dive into South America-so many interesting things to learn about!
First are some pictures our our book basket books for this week. I have collected educational magazines from yard sales and have marked the front of them so I know which weeks I can use them in our book basket. Here are our ones for South America....

Books for South America-I have pre-read them all and they are SO good!!

Putting the Brazil sticker in our passport books...
Shading in the rainforest sections of the world for Science....

Labeling the countries in South America....
We started reading Nate Saint today and I think we are really going to enjoy this book, much more so than Cameron Townsend. This will be an interesting week, trying to put 5 days of school work into 4. I am SO thankful that My Father's World has scheduled light Fridays, it will making the squishing much less squished. =)
I will have some links to share tomorrow to enhance your Brazil/South America knowledge-so stay tuned!


  1. Great post, Anna! Your family kite flying and rock skipping day looked so fun!! Glad you had a great Labor Day.

    We are super psyched to be in South America too! And what a bunch of fun art projects to choose from! We're “planning” on doing the anaconda model this week per ds's request ;P

  2. It was such a fun day, I'm sure I'll be hearing about it for the next 364 days =)
    That project looks fun! We might do the face mask one tomorrow, or the costume one. We arent going to use pillow cases though. I have some really big pieces of paper and were going to use that instead (so if some one makes a mistake they can crumble it up and start over) =)
